Legal notices
N.B. : De Boissy is a Holtex SAS brand. In the legal notices above, Holtex may also be called GSH, the name it trades under for its distribution business.
This website is published by: HOLTEX SAS with variable capital of €330,000
30 Rue Jean de Guiramand – 13290 Aix-en-Provence – France
Registered in the Aix-en-Provence trade and companies register (RCS) under the number 319 625 125
VAT No.: FR26319625125
Phone: + 33 (0)4 42 90 31 31
Director of publication: Joël Malabat, President of Holtex / GSH.
Hosting: Infomaniak – Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, 1227 Genève – Suisse
Copyright and responsability
All of the text, pictures, videos, graphics, logos, icons and content found on the website are the property of HOLTEX / GSH.
Unless formal prior written consent has been granted, any reproduction and/or use of content from the website other than for individual and private viewing is prohibited.
Any unauthorised use of the website or any of the elements that it comprises will be deemed to represent a violation of copyright and will be punished in line with the stipulations of Articles L.335-2 and following in the French Intellectual Property Code.
The website is designed to provide information regarding the activities of the De Boissy brand. Mr. Joël Malabat, President, makes every effort to provide information that is as accurate as possible. He cannot however be held liable for any omissions, inaccuracies and failures in updating whether or not they are caused by him or by third party partners who provide him with this information. All of the information provided on the website is provided as an indication only and may evolve.
©HOLTEX 2022 – All rights reserved
Personal data and personal freedom
The personal data collected will be processed for use by GSH. This data is required so that we can contact you to offer you our services. In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 and Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 modified by Law 2018-493 of 20 June 2018 (published in the Official Journal of 21 June 2018) you have a right of access and rectification, a right to removal, a right of portability for any data relating to you. We commit to processing your Personal Data loyally, legally and transparently. This data is relevant, adequate and limited to what is strictly necessary and only our own company will receive any data that you make available to it. We do not perform any automated processing, nor any profiling on the basis of your Personal Data. You can exercise your rights by writing to us by email at the following address:, attaching a copy of proof of identity. Our Confidentiality Declaration is available from the following websites: and or on request.
This website uses cookies.
1. What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file placed on your computer hard disk by the server of the website that you are visiting. Cookies are managed by your web browser.
2. The purpose of cookies used by GSH.
Cookies have a number of functions, especially that of offering you an enhanced browsing experience by storing your preferences to customise your visit to match your centres of interest. GSH uses cookies to allow recognising a visitor from one visit to another thanks to a unique identifier, save favourites or store the contents of a “member’s basket” relating to customer company accounts.
GSH uses a Google Analytics tracker to produce statistics on visits so as to improve on-line services.
We remind you that you have the option of blocking the use of cookies on your computer by using an option available from your browser.
Personal data protection policy
Refer to the page on the Confidentiality Policy.
Liens vers d’autres sites web
The website may comprise links to other websites, especially Holtex company partner websites. Setting up these links requires prior express permission. The existence of these links does not imply any checks or approvals by Holtex regarding their content.
Consequently, Holtex cannot in any case be held liable for the content of the websites that users of may gain access to through these links. The creation of any link to the website requires prior and express permission from Holtex.
This permission may be withdrawn at any time by Holtex, without the latter having to justify their decision to withdraw it.
Website operation
The Holdex corporate website is normally accessible 24/7. In cases of force majeure, IT difficulties, difficulties linked to the structure of telecommunications networks or technical difficulties, for maintenance reasons, and without this list being exhaustive, access to all or part of the website may be suspended or deleted should Holtex decide to do so.
For maintenance reasons and/or following any other decision taken by Holtex, access to the website may be interrupted. The website may be modified or may evolve without prior notice of any kind.
Users acknowledge that they have the expertise and the resources required to access and use the website. They acknowledge that they have checked that the computer configuration that they are using does not contain any virus and that it is in perfect operating condition.
Holtex cannot ever be held liable for direct, indirect or special damages resulting from the use of the website or other websites linked to it and especially for any financial or commercial losses, losses of programs or data in the user’s information system.
Holtex thanks you for stating any requirements you may have and please report any omissions, errors or corrections by sending an e-mail to